Success Stories
DSV – Worldwide
About the client:
DSV are part of the critical infrastructure driving world trade. We help our customers grow by keeping their supply chains flowing and helping to reduce the environmental footprint of their supply chains.
Solutions provided:
HR Services Portal with 3 processes:
- Recruitment Requests
- Training Requests
- Letters Request
Power Automate
Recruitment Requests
This process has been developed for Recruitment Requests once any Department manager requests for a new candidate to hold a particular Position within the same Department.
Submitting the request will pass through a defined flow such as the manual process that was applied previously. The purpose of the flow is to let the decision makers take an action on the requests; those actions mainly is approval process (Approve, Reject, Send back for modifications).
Letters Requests
This process has been developed to allow the employees within DSV to request different types of letters that HR Department can provide.
Submitting the request will pass through a defined flow such as the manual process that was applied previously. The purpose of the flow is to let the decision makers take an action on the requests; those actions mainly is approval process (Approve, Reject, Send back for modifications).
Training Requests
This process has been developed for Department managers in order to request a training program for them or to their employees.
Submitting the request will pass through a defined flow such as the manual process that was applied previously. The purpose of the flow is to let the decision makers take an action on the requests; those actions mainly is approval process (Approve, Reject, Send back for modifications).
DSV is an international company, with huge number of daily processes in different departments, so, performing manual work may consume more time in order to complete one process.
HR Department is one of those departments who has different type of Services and requisitions submitted by different employees and departments, and each service or request required specific information to be provided by the requesters, and this will cause slowness in providing the requested service when apply it manually.
DSV HR department decided to automate 3 major processes in one Application to be provided to all the employees within DSV to apply their requests easily and to collect all required information in order to provide the requested service.
The Name of the Application is HR Services Portal, and it consists of 3 Main Requests:
- Recruitment Request
- Training Requests
- Letters Requests
Projects Overview:
Since 2023, TopNotch Technology played a major role in directing DSV-HR Department in their Digital Transformation journey by automating their internal processes and creating a powerful application to serve their business needs. We led the journey from analysing their current processes, finding the failing points, and systemizing the output to an automated process, and user-friendly applications.
Business Benefits
Comparing the previous manual procedure in submitting requests to HR department with the automated procedure using HR Services Portal, we can easily find that the manual process lacked following-up and controlling the requests due-to lack of provided information by the requesters.
The New Application will request from the users to fill all the required information that will help HR Department in taking the action based on this information, the thing that will speed-up in providing the requested service.
In addition of keeping organized history of each request and taken actions will reduce and limit the occurrence of mistakes and wrong actions.
Furthermore, allowing world-wide employees within DSV to benefit from this Application and the ability to track their requests, to which stage the request reached, who is the next action taker, and the result of the request will reduce extra communications between the requesters and the action takers, since in each action a notification email will be sent to the requester.