PowerApps Sorting & Searching in Gallery Control

Introduction  PowerApps Gallery controls come in handy for…
Permissions and Security Roles

Permissions and Security Roles in Dynamics 365 CRM

Understanding Permissions and Security Roles in Dynamics 365…
Analyze data in Common Data Service

Analyze data in Common Data Service

Analyzing data is an essential aspect of any organization's decision-making…

Power Automate + AI Builder – Automating with Intelligence

The days of mundane, repetitive tasks are numbered! Welcome to…
test studio in power apps

Test Studio in Power Apps

Test studio allows you to test your application, records every…
Case Study: Automating HR Processes with Power Platform

Case Study: Automating HR Processes with Power Platform

Automate Your HR Processes and Breathe Life into Your Business  Imagine…
Microsoft PowerApps and Planner Integration

A Deep Dive into Microsoft PowerApps and Planner Integration

Introduction In this article, we will take a deep dive into…
Microsoft power platform

What Is Microsoft Power Platform ?

Microsoft Power Platform is a transformative suite of tools designed…
Microsoft Teams

Tips for using Microsoft Teams effectively

 Microsoft Teams is a powerful tool for communication and collaboration,…

How to use Microsoft SharePoint to create a knowledge base

A knowledge base is a centralized repository of information that…