Success Stories

Sertah United

About the client:

Sertah United is one of the biggest Real Estate companies in Saudi Arabia since 1979 it has multiple areas of investment (contracting, trade and real estate development). Sertah United is providing a high-quality real state to its customers as it driven by passion and professionalism.

Sertah United

Solutions provided:

  • Microsoft 365Microsoft 365 Managed Services
  • Digital Transformation


Microsoft 365Microsoft 365, Power AppsPowerApps, Power AutomatePower Automate, Training

Projects Overview:

TopNotch started to enhance the IT Division in Sertah United. We started by evaluating the current setup of Microsoft 365M365, recommend best practices to have a secure, and effective environment and work on these recommendation.

Training was another goal with sertah. To make people more comfortable with the new technologies.

On the other hand, digitalizing their daily process is our priority to make their daily work easier and let them focus on their core business. All reports I.e., daily, weekly transformed from regular documents to digital ones to give more automation. Moreover, integrating these reports with MicrosoftMS teams to complete the cycle of these reports is another achievement.